The total materials and creatures of this universe are brought in to existence with composition of Panch Mahabhut - five basic elements. Thus human body is also composed by Panchmahabhut - five basic elements according to ancient science.
Panchkahabhut is known as five elements. They are ...
- PRUTHVI MAHABHUT - Earth represents the solid state of matter in the planet. It symbolizes stability, permanence and rigidity. The human body consists of bones, teeth, cells and tissues, as the manifestations of the earth. Earth is regarded as a stable substance. Talking about human being, stability is the prerequisite for leading a healthy life, which is focused by Ayurveda.
- AKASH MAHABHUT - Ether is described as the space, in which, everything happens. All matter exists in space. Ether is the distance that separates matter. Space is everywhere and touches everything. It is the receptivity and non-resistance to what is true. Talking about the human body, space is the considered as the vessel that receives all impressions. In the heart, it is believed that space accepts love.
- VAYU MAHABHUT - Air One of the forms of the pancha bhutam - air - is mobile and dynamic. Within the human body, air is present in the form of oxygen, which is the basis for all energy transfer reactions. Existent without form, air is the prerequisite for fire to burn. Talking about the human body, air is indirectly required to produce energy, which is the basic requisite for one's survival. Air is also the basic element of Ayurveda.
- TEJ MAHABHOOT - Fire In order to convert solids into liquids, to gas and back again to the original state, a certain amount of power is required, which is provided by fire. Fire has the power to change the state of any substance. In human body, fire is present in the form of energy that binds atoms together, converts food to fat and muscle. In addition, fire creates impulses of nervous reactions and even our thought process.
- JAL MAHABHOOT - Water The liquid state is represented by water, another element of Ayurveda. Water is the prerequisite for the survival of living creatures, including humankind. About 70% of human body is made up of water, the very important liquid that is required for smooth functioning. In addition to water, fluids including our blood and lymph move between our cells and through our vessels, thereby providing us the energy required. The body temperature is also regulated. Water is a form without stability.