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One in every hundred people has Epilepsy at some point in their life. It is a chronic neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures. Seizure is a condition of temporary disturbance of motor, sensory or mental function due to bursts of electrical activity in the brain. These bursts are caused by a chemical (Neurotransmitters) imbalance, responsible for the transmission of impulses. In other words, brain function requires an orderly, organized, co-ordinated discharge of electrical impulses or small electrical messages. These electrical impulses enable the brain to communicate with spinal cord, nerves and muscles as well as within itself. Seizures are caused by disruption of these electrical activities of the brain.

The specific area of brain affected by disruption or abnormal activity may result in a particular type of seizure i.e partial or focal seizure. In these types of seizures the abnormal electrical activity starts in and stay in only one part of the brain therefore, patient tends to have localised (focal) symptoms. Different part of the brain control different functions, so symptoms depend on which part of brain is affected. Partial seizure may not affect consciousness but may affect sensations, emotions, behaviour, muscles or combination of these. If all areas of the brain are affected by the abnormal electrical activity, a generalised seizure may result. This means consciousness is lost or impaired.


In Ayurveda, epilepsy is tearmed as ‘Apsamara’ caused by vitiation of Vata dosha. Vata represent the air, responsible for physical movement and sensory perceptions of the body. Hence, a vitiation of the Vata dosha, especially the ‘prana vata’ which look after the normal functioning of the brain and the nervous system, can cultimate into epilepsy. According to Charak samhita – Ancient Ayutvedic literature, epilepsy is a neurological disease characterized by derangement of mind and memory.Therefore, patient suffering from this disease experience loss of consciousness and undergo all kind of convulsive movements. In some pathological conditions, epileptic attack may also be caused by vitiation of Pitta or even Kapha dosha.

The food we eat is digested by our digestive fire (jatharagni) to produce nutrient juice. These nutrient juice absorbed by our intestine and mixed with plasma, which nourishes all Dhatus or body tissues of nervous system, during circulation through various channels (Srotasa). In case of impared digestion, toxins or Ama created by improperly digested food mixes with plasma and makes it sama (combined with Ama) or heavy. As a result, the blood thus produces also becomes heavy or sticky. When heavy blood with impurities circulates through various channels, starts accumulating in weaker channels or vascular system of the body including nervous system. The accumulation of toxins and impurities in the vascular sustem block the path of Vata dosha partially and make it aggravated. The quality of Vata dosha are dry, rough, light, cold, subtle and mobile. Due to dry nature, Vata starts degeneration of nervous tissues leading to the localised or general atrophy (decrease in size) of the brain resulting in seizures. The atrophy of brain can be seen through various modern imaging rechniques such as CT-scan, MRI and PET-scan.

In few case there have no deformities or atrophy found in brain but as we all know there can be no seedling without water or rain. In the same manner, there can be no attack (seizure) of epilepsy without particular cause. In these types of epilepsy case, there may be psychological factors as per Ayurvedic concept of Triguna of mind or three qualities of mind:-
  • Satva (commonly interpreted as purity, goodness and truth)
  • Raja (interpreted as activity, passion and desire) and
  • Tama (ignorance, darkness and inertia)

When the range of proportion of above mentioned Trigunas remains within the limit or normalcy or equilibrium, it is called optimal mental health. When these doshas lose their equilibrium and become imbalanced, they lead to mental illness.

Therefore, on basis of above facts of epilepsy, doctors at ARUN AYURVEDA helps you to restore the balance of all doshas along with reawaken you body’s natural healing mechanisms.we provides world’s best treatment for epilepsy under three classical way of authentic Ayurveda.

  • Daiva Vyapashraya
  • Satvavajaya
  • Yukti Vyapasraya

Daiva Vyapashraya
This is a first line of treatment with an aim to create a motivational spirit in patient to take participate in religious or social activities. It play a major role to balance the equilibrium of three qualities (Triguna) of mind and to promote healthy state of mind and body.

This is also Known as Psycho-behavioral therapy incorporating with the prociples of assurance therapy (Ashvasana), replacement of emotions and psycho-shock therapy. This is the essential part of treatment for epileptic patient to maintain the equilibrium state of the three qualities of mind.

Yukti Vyapasraya
It consists of proper use of Medicines and diet. In this part of treatment we recommend authentic classical (Shastrokta) Ayurvedic medicines including ‘Medhya Rasayana’ to pacify the aggravated dosha and to remove toxins from the body. Medhya Rasayana are the combination of herbs used to strengthen the nervous system, revitalise the brain and to keep it calm. During treatment, patient will also be adviced to take ‘Satvic’ diet through special Ayurvedic diet advices.

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